Century brand stone integration

Century brand stone integration

When stone is the oldest material in the world, someone will always try to make something new out of it.
BCXSY, founded in 2007 by designers Boaz Cohen and Sayaka Yamamoto, and jointly with century old stone brand laboratorio morseletto from Vicenza, designed and manufactured a furniture series called "bicolore".
This collection combines the natural yellow and gray of Vicenza stone, and makes the rich texture of the surface complement the simple design. The collection includes a bench, a bar cabinet and a low table.
The contrast between the warm and cold colors of yellow and gray forms a perfect balance in the works. Each work shows the natural combination of colors and edges, so that people can see the exquisite picture of different rocks gathered together. You can see the amazing array of tiny materials embedded in the stone surface, which is the embodiment of the ancient existence of stone. By using this raw material, this Schiller produces subtle and rich material expression.
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