The origin of marble

The origin of marble

The story of marble, whether in the east or the west, is always amazing. Every natural stone with rich texture is not easy to get. When fingertips gently touch the marble surface, hundreds of millions of years have been hidden in it. Most of the story of marble should start in Italy.
Italians named the marble rich city Carrara, which means "stone mine" in Latin. As early as the ancient Roman period, there were hundreds of large and small quarries here. The ancient Romans did not hesitate to pay a high price to excavate the stones here in order to build landmark buildings representing the power of the Empire. Augustus, the founding emperor of ancient Rome, proudly announced that he inherited a stone city, but left a marble city. It can be seen that in the eyes of the ancient Romans, marble was not a kind of stone. The reason may depend on its rare color.
The apuan Alps in Italy is a rare exposed marble mineral deposit in southern Europe. Local people have been engaged in marble mining for generations. These sleeping crystals were originally at the bottom of the ocean, but they slowly rose in a crustal movement many years later, forming many mountains in southern Europe. In some areas, the rise range is as high as 6000 feet (1828.8 meters). The apuan Alps is one of them, and the marble on the mountain appears in front of people.
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